Android Training Institute in Ahmedabad
Android developers are in high demand, and demand is growing fast. Recent data indicates that during the previous year, there has been a nearly 50% increase in the number of job ads for Android developers. The lasting popularity of Android smartphones and the rise of new services and apps that call for knowledge of Android development are the primary drivers of this demand increase.
Enrolling in an Android Training in Ahmedabad at Gems Institute is a great way to take advantage of this growing demand. You can master the ins and outs of creating dynamic and user-friendly applications while learning the ins and outs of designing the Android platform with an Android Course Training in Ahmedabad.
 Prerequisites to Learn Android
- Â Programming fundamentals, Core Java/Kotlin.Â
-  Understanding of application development frameworks, environments, tools and processes.            Â
Android Training Contains
- Theory & Practical Session
- Practice in Real-Time
- Course Completion Certificate
 Android Training Course
- Android Studio
- SDK DownloadÂ
- Application Framework (MVC,MVP,MVVM)
- Android Application LifeCycleÂ
  Installation of Android StudioÂ
- Create First Application
- UnderStand Directory Structure
- Manifest file
- XML Layout Design
- Java Code Write
- Linear Layout
- Relative LayoutÂ
- Table Layout
- Frame LayoutÂ
- Constraint Layout
- Create Activities
- Types Of ActivitiesÂ
- Intent & Intent filters
- Pass data between one activity
to other activities - Handling User inputs
- Set OnClickListener
- Set ValidationÂ
- Layout Design
- Drawable Resource Design
Collection of Controller
- TextView,AutocompleteTextView
- Button, EditText
- MultiAutoCompleteTextView
- Datepicker, Timepicker
- RatingBar, SeekBar, CheckBox
- RadioButton, Switch, ToggleButton
- Alert Dialog, Custom AlertDialog
- Webview
- Audio, Video,Â
- TabHost
- NestedScrollView, HorizontalScrollView
- CalendarView
- Expandable ListView
- Space,Â
- Navigation Drawer
Advance Controller
- ListView
- GridView
- RecyclerView
- ViewFlipper
- Spinner
- CardView
- Fragment
- Google Map
- Push Notification
Data Persistence
- Shared Preferences  Â
- SQLite Database
- Room Database
Api Integration
- API Introduction
- Retrofit Library
- Volley Library
Small Project
- Development
- Certificate
- Upload App On Play Store
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