React JS Training in Ahmedabad
The IT industry in Ahmedabad is always on the lookout for skilled React JS developers. Having such in demand skills will almost likely land you a great career.
When it comes to creating beautiful front end applications, React JS offers an infinite number of advantages for developers. Gems Institute’s React JS training course is meant to help new and seasoned developers become familiar with the major features and built-in solutions for developing vibrant applications.
Gems Institute provides the best React JS Training In Ahmedabad, preparing you to design web applications. Gems Institute skilled experts provide a thorough understanding of the React library, allowing you to construct dynamic frontend applications.
Gems Institute provides React training for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced, with real-world scenarios to help you prepare for your future employment. Join us to improve your abilities and get top IT positions. Our training programs have already benefited more than 500 students.
Introduction to ReactJS
- Introduction to Basic building blocks of Web Application Development. HTML-CSSJS
- SPAs and React Web Apps.
- ReactJS Overview.
- Single Page Apps VS Multi-Page Applications.
- What is a DOM, Virtual DOM?
- Installing ReactJS and writing our first Hello World code.
- The Folder Structure of React Application.
- Basic Building Blocks of React JS – (components, state, props, jsx)
- What are the components? Understanding the component basics and different types of components.
- What are the functional components and container components?
- Creating your first class-based component and functional component.
- Understanding JSX and JSX restrictions.
- Component Nesting.
- What are props and a simple understanding of props?
- Passing Propsinto components.
- Accessing propsinside the components.
- Creating reusable dynamic components
React Architecture
- Components configuration with state, props and children.
- Understanding and using state and props, and Differences between props and state
- Handling Events
- Manipulating the state with setState() method
- Difference between stateless and stateful components.
- Adding two-way binding.
- Rendering content conditionally.
- Making API REQUESTS with React.
- Fetching data – Axios vs Fetch.
- Building Lists from data
- The purpose of keys in lists and Implementing keys in lists.
- Handling User Input with forms and events.
- Controlled Elements versus uncontrolled elements.
- Handling formssubmitted.
- Understanding this in JavaScript and solving context issues.
- Communicating child to parent.
- Handling user Input of dynamic forms
- Handling form submission (MAKING API CALL)
- Adding Custom Form Validation.
- Showing validation errors and other error messages.
- Handling overall form validity.
UI and Component Styling in React
- Styling React components. The different ways ofstyling the react components.
- Inline styles and externalstylesto the components.
- Using styled-components.
- Creating a navigation-bar in ReactJS.
- Introduction to React Router.
- Creating Routesto our Navigation Bar.
- Introducing Lifecycle methods.
- Why use Lifecycle methods
- React Hooks – An Introduction, Why React Hooks
- Moving from classesto functional components
- Introducing the first Hook: useState Hook and Second Hook: useEffect Hook
- Data Fetching with hooks/replacing the classlifecycle methods
- Fetching data on component mount with useEffect
- Using the useRef Hook
- Displaying loading state with useState
- Error Handling and displaying errors with useState
- The useReducer Hook
- Using the useContext Hook
Basics of Networking
- What is Ip addresses?
- Ports
- TCP and UDP protocol
- Private and Public Network
- Client – Server Architecture