Full Stack Developer Course Training
GRRAS’s full Full Stack Developer Training course teaches students how to build enterprise-style applications with server-side code written in Node.js, the Express framework, front-end code written in ReactJS, and databases generated in MongoDB. This training program has evolved to be one of the most popular and in-demand due to the numerous benefits provided by a mix of technologies. Web professionals who want to further their careers might take a Full Stack Developer Course in Ahmedabad.
Participants will graduate as experts in JavaScript front-end and back-end technologies such as MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of Full Stack Developer Training in Ahmedabad technologies like MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and Node.
Course Content: –
- Java Script
- Bootstrap
- React JS
- Node
- Mongo DB
- Introduction of Tags
- Empty and Container Tags
- HTML All Basic Tags
- HTML Address Tag
- HTML Formatting Tags
- HTML Elements
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Tables
- HTML div with CSS Float
- HTML Forms
- Other HTML Important Tags
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) with Bootstrap
- Introduction of CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- Box Model: Margin, Border and Padding
- Float Property
- Text Decoration
- CSS Tables
- Layouts using CSS
- CSS Shadows
- Meaning of Responsive
- Bootstrap CDN
- Bootstrap Layout using grids
- Use different components in Bootstrap
- JS Introduction
- JS Let
- JS Const
- JS Variables
- JS Operators
- JS Arithmetic
- JS Assignment
- JS Data Types
- JS Functions
- JS Objects
- JS Strings
- JS Numbers
- JS Arrays
- JS Random
- JS Booleans
- JS Control statements
- JS Type Conversion
- JS Errors
- JS Scope
- JS Strict Mode
- JS this Keyword
- JS Validation
Introduction to ReactJS
- Introduction to Basic building blocks of Web Application Development. HTML-CSSJS
- SPAs and React Web Apps.
- ReactJS Overview.
- Single Page Apps VS Multi-Page Applications.
- What is a DOM, Virtual DOM?
- Installing ReactJS and writing our first Hello World code.
- The Folder Structure of React Application.
- Basic Building Blocks of React JS – (components, state, props, jsx)
- What are the components? Understanding the component basics and different types of components.
- What are the functional components and container components?
- Creating your first class-based component and functional component.
- Understanding JSX and JSX restrictions.
- Component Nesting.
- What are props and a simple understanding of props?
- Passing Propsinto components.
- Accessing propsinside the components.
- Creating reusable dynamic components
React Architecture
- Components configuration with state, props and children.
- Understanding and using state and props, and Differences between props and state
- Handling Events
- Manipulating the state with setState() method
- Difference between stateless and stateful components.
- Adding two-way binding.
- Rendering content conditionally.
- Making API REQUESTS with React.
- Fetching data – Axios vs Fetch.
- Building Lists from data
- The purpose of keys in lists and Implementing keys in lists.
- Handling User Input with forms and events.
- Controlled Elements versus uncontrolled elements.
- Handling formssubmitted.
- Understanding this in JavaScript and solving context issues.
- Communicating child to parent.
- Handling user Input of dynamic forms
- Handling form submission (MAKING API CALL)
- Adding Custom Form Validation.
- Showing validation errors and other error messages.
- Handling overall form validity.
UI and Component Styling in React
- Styling React components. The different ways ofstyling the react components.
- Inline styles and externalstylesto the components.
- Using styled-components.
- Creating a navigation-bar in ReactJS.
- Introduction to React Router.
- Creating Routesto our Navigation Bar.
- Introducing Lifecycle methods.
- Why use Lifecycle methods
- React Hooks – An Introduction, Why React Hooks
- Moving from classesto functional components
- Introducing the first Hook: useState Hook and Second Hook: useEffect Hook
- Data Fetching with hooks/replacing the classlifecycle methods
- Fetching data on component mount with useEffect
- Using the useRef Hook
- Displaying loading state with useState
- Error Handling and displaying errors with useState
- The useReducer Hook
- Using the useContext Hook
Node JS
 Getting started with Node
- Â What is Node
- Node Architecture
- Â How Node Works
- Â Installing Node
- Your First Node Program
Node Module System
- Introduction
- Global Object
- Modules
- Creating a Module
- Â Loading a Module
- Path Module
- OS Module
- File System Module
- Events Module
- Event Arguments
- Extending EventEmitter
- HTTP Module
Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Introduction
- Package.json
- Installing a Node Package
- Â Using a Package
- Â Package Dependencies
- Installing a Specific Version of a Package
- Updating Local Packages
- DevDependencies
- Uninstalling a Package
- Working with Global Package
Basics of Networking
- What is Ip addresses?
- Ports
- TCP and UDP protocol
- Private and Public Network
- Client – Server Architecture
Express JS
- Introduction
- RESTful Services
- Introducing Express
- Building Your First Web Server
- Nodemon
- Environment Variables
- Route Parameters
- Handling HTTP GET Requests
- Handling HTTP POST Requests
- Calling Endpoints Using Postman
- Input Validation
- Handling HTTP PUT Requests
- Handling HTTP Delete Requests
- Project- Build the Genres API
- Building RESTful APIs with Express Recap
Mongo DB
CURD Operations using MongoDB
- Introducing MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB on Windows
- Connecting to MongoDB
- Schemas
- Models
- Saving a Document
- Querying Documents
- Comparison Query Operators
- Logical Query Operators
- Regular Expressions
- Counting
- Updating and Removing a Document
Mongo – Data Validation
- Validation
- Built-in Validators
- Custom Validators
- Async Validators
- Validation Errors
- SchemaType Options
Mongoose – Modelling Relationships between Connected Data
- Modelling Relationships
- Referencing Documents
- Population
- Embedding Documents
- Using an Array of Sub-documents
- Transactions
- ObjectID
- Validating ObjectIDs
- A Better Implementation
Handling and Logging Errors
- Introduction
- Handling Rejected Promises
- Express Error Middleware
- Try Catch Blocks
- Express Async Errors
- Logging Errors
- Logging to MongoDB
- Uncaught Exceptions
- Unhandled Promise Rejections
- JWT Token
Type of projects on MERN using all technologies:(Any One)
- E-Commerce Web App
- Online Examination Application
- Online Library Management
- Online Contact Management
- Multilevel Marketing Management